Saturday, March 31, 2012

Friday Nights

Last night we had a picnic in the living room.  We watched one of the best movies ever, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, and gorged on hot dogs smothered in ketchup and potato chips.  Ok, now before you say in a shocked voice "But Della, the Experiment!  What happened?" let me explain.  The hot dogs were from Double Check Ranch, where the checks stand for Good for You and Good for the Land.  Sophie and I made the buns and even the ketchup.  Disclaimer: although I made the ketchup I still find the stuff to be just wrong, maybe it's my Canadian heritage.  Then we sliced up potatoes from Taste of Paradise and fried them into these tasty, crispy little slices of heaven.  Now I'm not going to claim that it was the most heart healthy meal of all time but I compared our meal to a commercially bought one and the results were eye opening.  We ingested less than half the fat, a third the sodium and a fourth the sugar than we would have if we had bought hot dogs, buns, ketchup and chips.  And still felt like we had a treat.  I'm having fun experimenting with "junk food" because I know my family would revolt if I started serving bean sprouts.  Hell, I would revolt.  Next up is bagels and cream cheese.  The adventure continues!


  1. Mmmmmm. Bagels. If you are successful at making them, I'll order a dozen!

  2. Coming from the country that puts mayonnaise on everything, I'll stick with the home-made ketchup, thank you.

  3. Bagels....yum!! Let me know if you find a good recipe!! - Tam
