Had another glitch in my triumphant montage yesterday. I made a Greek dinner. The table was spread with heaps of golden, puffy pita bread pulled straight from the oven. Creamy tzatziki snuggled next to garlicky roasted red pepper hummus. The bounty was rounded off with roasted chicken, black olives and little jewels of chopped tomatoes. We sat down and I beamed at my family. Here we were, sitting down to a healthy, homemade and fabulous meal. Any minute now they would stand and applaud me, exclaiming at my prowess as a chef and mother.
And then Sophie started wailing that the hummus was spicy. The tzatziki was yucky. She didn't like those kinds of tomatoes. Orion smeared his dinner all over his tray and started throwing chicken at me. He spit out the olives and dribbled greek yogurt down his front without actually ingesting any of it. Sophie went to bed without dinner, preferring that to my food. I managed a half of a pita before I had to cart Orion off to his third bath of the day and deal with a screaming 4 year old drama queen.
I don't really know what the moral of the story is. Maybe that my children are normal. They may have above average palates but they still like what they like, and that doesn't include hummus. Maybe that standing ovations are not always in the cards. Maybe to appreciate that Mike loved the food, so one out of three isn't bad.
I think I will edit last night out of the montage.
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