Sunday, April 8, 2012


My dearest son,
You are a year old today.  You have been such joy and inspiration in your short life.  You shovel up my pesto and my chili with a gusto I marvel at.  You are the reason that I do the things I do.  I want to provide a better world for you and Sophie.  I want to teach you how to find joy in simple things, and to understand the true cost of the world around you.  I put the love that I have for you in every bite of food I feed you, in every bit of clothing that goes on your body, in every kiss and and snuggle and caress.  Without you I wouldn't know my purpose, but because of your joy, your charisma and your ridiculously goofy dances, I do know.  My purpose is to raise you and your sister to be caring, loving and conscientious stewards of the world around you.  At the same time it is to teach you joy, absurdity, responsibility and awe.  My son, how I marvel at those words.  My baby boy.  May you grow strong and proud.  I love you.

Your mother


  1. Oh my gosh! That brought tears to my eyes. What a lovely mother you are Della! Your children are lucky to have such great parents. :)

    1. Coming from such a lovely mother, that is an amazing compliment. Thank you Stacy.

    2. Della You are a wonderful person caring loving selfless creative smart and everything those two beautiful babies will grow to be. Happy birthday my sweet Orion. I love you always and forever. Thank you for sharing your blog. You are inspiring us all in so many ways :) happy easter xoxo
